I’m Neil. Right now I code in public at PostHog.
Before PostHog, I was at Bloomberg. And before that, I was interning at ShareChat, an Indian regional content discovery platform on a hockey stick growth curve.
Before ShareChat, I was at Google. (If you’re working on something cool, reach out)
I love engineering and psychology. Engineering helps me play well with computers and physical objects. Psychology helps me play well with humans.
Leveraging the two, I like to understand how products work: the business models that drive incentives for development, and the user behaviour that drives growth. More often than not, this fun hobby leads to creating impactful products.
I also like designing and reasoning about systems. Almost everything can be modelled as a system.
The best way to get into my mind is to read this annual review from 2019.
In my free time, I read a lot, build side projects, and learn new hobbies. It’s surprising how little time it takes to get better. Over the years, I’ve learned how to play tennis, the keyboard, the harmonium, paint, sketch, dance, origami, cooking, a third language (French), fencing and more recently, swimming. I suspect the more things you learn, the better you get at learning new things.
Strong opinions, weakly held
Writing is the most effective form of thinking.
Learning is a skill just like any other. It can be trained. It can be lost. People can become better or worse at learning new things depending on how often they practice it.
You can find me via Twitter, LinkedIn and email.
I love getting email. Thoughtful messages, even more so.
If you want a hi-res version of my illustrations, please get in touch. (I only keep a low quality version on my servers to optimize page speed)
Date Me
If you like this blog, there’s a good chance we’ll hit it off. If you’re in London, send me an email. It takes courage to reach out, so you’ve already earned my respect :)

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